jeudi 8 janvier 2015

VS980 LG G2 Completely Bricked! topic

VS980 LG G2 Completely Bricked! topic

I know this thread has been posted millions of times, nothing at all works for meOk so I'm new to Android. Got it rooted yesterday and thought I'd try Cyanogen Mod. After following every step in the Wiki, I thought I'd have it. It had me install AutoRec and...
How to make full dump stock rom topic

How to make full dump stock rom topic

Hi developers, senior members and all who have knowledge to dump or create a rom.Any one can help me how to make full dump stock rom my phone was hardbricked because of flashing wrong scatter file in spft now its unable to switch on nor charging but detected in...
Alcatel One Touch Fire E 6015X topic

Alcatel One Touch Fire E 6015X topic

Hello,I've just received new phone, Alcatel One Touch Fire E (6015X).This phone has got installed FirefoxOS,my question is can I install android somehow?I was looking for that information however not found anything what would help me....
[Q] note features in non-note devices topic

[Q] note features in non-note devices topic

Hi,I love the stylus featuers, and wondered if anyone has a clue of a custom rom that makes the spen usable in other phones such as galaxy or nexus.with thanks...
selfio - HD Selfie app topic

selfio - HD Selfie app topic

Selfio is a unique app with a patented idea of using front cam of your device to frame and back cam to shoot the same image. Frame your selfie using front cam.Flip such that back cam faces youDevice senses flip and shoots your selfie in HD with flash if...
[Q&A] [ROM][WIP]Cyanogenmod 11 UNOFFICIAL[30/04/2014] topic

[Q&A] [ROM][WIP]Cyanogenmod 11 UNOFFICIAL[30/04/2014] topic

Q&A for [ROM][WIP]Cyanogenmod 11 UNOFFICIAL[30/04/2014]Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.Before posting, please use the forum...
[Q] [H] Wifi is greyed out and not turning on. topic

[Q] [H] Wifi is greyed out and not turning on. topic

Hi! I purchased an m8 from someone else.He also seems to have gotten the phone from someone as well.He had a rom which I did not know, and I wiped it because he had personal data.After coming home and trying to flash a new rom, the wifi is the...
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