vendredi 19 décembre 2014

A Few Questions (AFQ) About Boot Loop topic


I'm not an expert in Android, just got into it, nor an expert with computers. My phone is already rooted, and never had any problems. All these were done by myself alone with the help I got from the Internet. And like anybody else, I can't afford to do something uncertain. But, knowing the fact that I already have (NANDroid) backed up my ROM via CWM Recovery v6.0.4.5, I'm looking forward to do more tweaks on the system using utility apps i.e. Device Control, etc... but I'd like to know first what needs to be done when something goes wrong like what if it ends up on boot loop.

1) What is boot loop?
2) Is it something that makes a phone unusable?
3) Is it similar to a bricked phone?
3) If not, how can the phone recover from it?

Kindly, share knowledge concerning this stuff.

Thanks much XDA community. :fingers-crossed:

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