vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Amazon Apps on Nova Launcher topic


I've read in several different places that people use Nova Launcher with the Fire TV. Since I've already purchased Nova Launcher Prime, I figured this would be a particularly good option for me.

The problem I'm running into is that I can't launch most of the Amazon apps. If I try Amazon Video, the screen just flashes and then goes back to the app drawer. If I tried Appstore or Amazon Music, I get "permission denid" (Amazon FreeTime, oddly enough, works just fine, as does the Fire TV App Tutorial, but I don't need either of those :P). My Fire TV is rooted, and running the latest firmware version.

Has anyone else seen this, and if so, do you have a solution? I can't find any mention of it by searching the web, which makes me think it might be an issue introduced with recent firmware versions. It occurred to me it might have something to do with root: when I rooted my daughter's Kindle Fire, we couldn't watch Amazon videos on it without turning root off temporarily. I can't find a way to turn off root temporarily using SU on the Fire TV, though--there's no way to launnch SuperSU from Settings, and attempting to launch it from the Nova app drawer does nothing.

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