mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Backup modems and /persist and what else?? topic


So I've been flashing all sorts of ROMs on my opo and I thought worst case scenario is that I have to clean flash my ROM to start over, or restore a nandroid via twrp. Apparently that's NOT all of the things I have to backup??

I did do a nandroid backup with the multirom modified TWRP, I have TiBU backups for my user apps and saved pics and stuff on my laptop. But I was reading through some threads and saw stuff about this not being enough??

Some people lost their IMEI and other stuff that I don't really understand. How does your phone lose the IMEI ?? I thought it was something hard coded into the phone lol

I have some questions for the pros around here:

1) I used TiBU to backup system apps. My understanding is if I need to clean flash the same ROM, I can just restore the system apps backup with TiBU, which will restore my accounts, settings, etc right?

2) I read about having to backup your modem too? How do I do that?

3) There's apparently a partition called /persist that I need to backup also? How do I do that?

4) How do I make sure my phone doesn't lose its IMEI?

Anything else I should backup in case things really crash and burn??

I've been flashing things left, right and center since multirom makes it so easy, but I didn't know that I wasn't fully covered lol so how do I cover my butt fully? :D

Cheers and Happy Holiday's!

Sent From Lollipopified Bacon Goodness!

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