mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Can't transfer videos to Nexus 9 over USB topic


Hi there,

My mother is an international airline pilot and downloads a lot of TV shows and movies to watch on her 2-3 hour breaks on her tablet. She had an Asus Transformer Prime which worked well, but it just crapped out. We got her a Nexus 9, but now when we connect it via USB, it doesn't seem to be able to transfer videos from her computer (all Windows 8.1).

We open the video's folder and the tablet's Movies folder, and when we drag the movie file onto the tablet it just displays a (/) no symbol over the cursor. Pictures transfer just fine.

So what's up with that?? Something's gotta be wrong, I know this is possible to do. We did it with her old tablet and I do it with my Nexus 7 and my phone all the time.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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