samedi 13 décembre 2014

Centralized Wallpaper Thread Open To All. topic


Hello Everyone :cowboy::cowboy:

This thread is for all members for sharing your wallpapers. :cowboy::D
I did this thread because there are lots of Wallpaper threads which clutter each other and some stay inactive. So to avoid those confusion this thread will be useful :laugh::laugh:
I Request Everyone In Moto G Forum To upload or share any wallpapers you Have here Instead of creating a new thread so that its easy for everyone to find :laugh::cool:

Before Posting follow the XDA Rules and Regulation.
Some Rules :

1) Please do not upload has Zip or Rar File.
2) Post 10 to 12 Max wallpapers in one post so that its easy to view here to everyone. You can post back to back but limit in 1 post is this.
3) Please stay respectful to others.
4) Do Not Upload Paid Wallpapers in XDA forum.
5) Give the CREDITS approprietly if needed.
6) No OFF TOPIC Discussion are allowed.
7) If any member Finds The Posted Wallpaper is Inappropriate Etc Just REPORT to MODERATOR. They will look into it. Do not Discuss In Thread.
8) No EXTERNAL LINKS are Allowed. This Includes websites, APK's, PlayStore Links.

Thank you and Enjoy!!!
Upload your wallpapers here. :cowboy:

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