vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Downgrading Knox flagged device or other outlook sync idea? topic


I was given a "brand new" S4 9505 which turned out to be knox flagged 0x1 running kerner 4.4.2 on Samy Deluxe Rooms - Pick your king Rom. So I busted my jewels reading up on knox etc which were news for me. From what I found out Kies will NOT work past 4.3 as Kies3 is required for syncing calendar and contacts and thats busted (Read something about a fix coming out but no followup). Question is, since the phone is rooted but also knox flaged allready, is it possible to rollback to something that still works with kies 2.x? If not, any good suggestions on syncing solutions? Tried a couple of 3rd parties solutions but either they are outright crap or trial mode does not allow to judge. Syncing my calender 100% correct, as i did with kies, is of outmost important to me for business purpose. As I really knew nothing about 4.3+ issues prior today, some links assuming solutions exist will be more than welcome

Also, to make sure, Kies is able to see the name of my device while attempting to connect but this always ends up with fail and connection being lost. This I take it is the standard problem with kies nowdays, right?

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