mercredi 24 décembre 2014

fastboot boot on 4.4.4 WORKED! topic


So here's my story.

My device is :
S-ON, 4.4.4 Droid stock,

Yesterday i tried to get root while keeping stock rom for no tampered msg at bootloader.

I was following guide from
so with unlocked bootloader i tried to fastboot boot CWM recovery image.
and it hanged my phone as everyone reported for > 4.4.3 ..... so i gave up for this time.

Today i was in mood for flashing some custom rom and then rooting, but with TWRP(newest
just for gigles i tried to fastboot boot newest twrp. only thing i did was renaming .img file to recovery.img.

guess what? it worked! so i got root, reboot and started enjoying not tampered stock :)

So now im sharing this lil'christmas story with you.
Of course if it's irrevelant or already found please delete this topic.

happy christmas nevertheless.!

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