mercredi 31 décembre 2014

General Discussion in the General Thread topic


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(Sorry Moderators if I'm doing something wrong, but most of us were posting stuff on the DEV thread...)

I have to agree with @Dukenukemx that newer phones suck and that most don't even have physical keyboards.

This is probable because of the increase in screen size and the general interest in lighter, thinner phones. I actually really, really enjoy a heavy phone. It makes them feel solid, like those age-old Nokias. The myTouch especially is rather heavy, and I've dropped mine a lot mainly because I'm in college and I'm always in a rush but also because I'm clumsy as ****. Heavier phones are more solidly built, because of the thicker plastic required to support all the moving parts, in the myTouch's case, the G2, and the G1.

Gonna edit this later, I'm not done.

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