jeudi 25 décembre 2014

GTI9305 Installing a new rom. topic


hi all had a good holiday. well i did not im trying to instal a new rom into my phone and it wont work.
what i tryed oding firt and runned
- CF-Auto-Root-m3-m3zh-gti9305.tar.md5
after that i runned
- recovery-cwmtouch-

i then loaded up a rom into my sd card and started my phone up (volume up home and power button)
i then got into the part where you can instal new roms. first i cleared the phone with the options there are in that menu.
after that i tryed to instal the rom from the sd card and every time it stops most of the time with error in external_sd/ cm 10.1.3 (status 7)
it then says installation aborted.

tried a lot of roms but all no luck.

what em i doing wrong. realy need some help at this now. its also my normal work phone

thanks for any help

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