samedi 20 décembre 2014

Hangouts Dialer As Default Bug - How to properly file a bug report upstream? topic


Hey guys, I need some instruction on how to file an official bug report upstream for the android team and what information captures I should include and how to retrieve those? I am including a description of the bug/problem here on the off chance that anyone knows of an existing fix or workaround.

PS. Stock unrooted locked encrypted google play store variant nexus 6 64GB midnight blue with the latest OTA updates and all apps up to date, no "user modifications" made....yet

I have set up hangouts & hangouts dialer as my default MMS/SMS client, and I have ticked use hangouts dialer for incoming calls in hangouts. My google voice number is the same as my sprint mobile number thanks to sprint google voice integration, I have disabled all forwarding phones in google voice options. When I get a call to my sprint number incoming hangouts dialer shows up alone and works perfect and unanswered calls go to google voice voicemail.

When I open chrome and click on a phone link I get the choose default popup that has the options to select "phone dialer or hangouts dialer" I select hangouts dialer and tap on "always", then I close chrome reopen it to a new phone link and tap the phone link and it again opens the choose default dialog even though I just set hangouts dialer as my permanent default a second ago, it continues to do this EACH time no matter how many times I set hangouts dialer as my default dialer. I have tried disabling google dialer in settings(defaults option for google dialer are greyed out), turning off mobile data & everything but WiFi (don't see how that should change anything, and it doesn't change anything).

So to sum it up I can not set hangouts dialer as my default dialer on a google play bought nexus 6 running stock everything latest updates all apps up to date. The default dialer selection " always" just does not seem to get set when always is selected. Me setting hangouts dialer to always is not remembered.

To make matters worse when I select hangouts dialer and tap "always" it opens hangouts one time and it DOES put the number into the dialer but it does NOT hit call or initiate the call, like the default dialer does with phone links.

Further, after attempting to set hangouts dialer as default "always" 20 times, when I do "OK google call xxxxxxxxxx" voice command it shows the blue google dialer logo there's nothing to tap on to change what dialer OK google opens and it opens it with the default google phone dialer, is there some trick to make a call using hangouts with OK google? Is the trigger word not "call"? I've tried ", hang out with" which seems unrecognized and a few others. This really effects me as have two android wear devices and I use hangouts as my primary SMS/MMS/phone dialer and when I make a call through a wear device it doesn't use hangouts and it doesn't show in my hang outs call history.

I have installed the google voice app and selected the options "view and play voice mail in the phone call dialog". (Most likely unrelated).

If anyone knows a fix or workaround for this I would be seriously thankful.

Any help on how to file a bug report with adequate information upstream and how to motivate the android team to fix this is also appreciated!

Gary M.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app

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