vendredi 19 décembre 2014

Hangouts VOIP Audio is Broken -- Can We Figure Out Why, and Fix It? topic


[Okay... I'm posting this because or seems like there's a lot of chatter about this issue but for some reason it doesn't seen like a damned thing had been done about it, and that's not cool in my book. And yes, I'm cross-posting this between Android Development and Original Android Development, because it effects both groups.]

Okay... Having determined that this is something that I can't fix, I submit this logcat to the group:

As you may (or may not know) using Hangouts VOIP calls is BORKED, and it has been for several days. This seems to affect all downstream CM12 ROMs, at least for the LG G3 D851.

Take a look at that logcat... It Is a MESS. Why are cameras being called ajillionty times for making a VOIP call? Why is there no path to the necessary VOIP_MIC component? When you realize that all 8000+ lines of this comprise *only a few seconds* just how...odd...things really are.

It is my understanding that this began after a pile of CM12 commits several days ago, but I'm not certain exactly when. I seem to remember someone is $droyd$'s Illusion ROM thread had the exact date(s).

Surely amongst all the developer brainpower we have amassed here we can figure this out...

So: any ideas?

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