samedi 27 décembre 2014

Hi. My recovery "disappears", or some issue.. topic


Hi. Writing from my Phone now. Im running cm 11. I installed or flashed philz touch...

Then installed cm11.
I want to do a nandroid backup..

But when i tried restarting to recovery, it skipped that part and went to cm11..
Normal reboot.

Before i flashed cm i had latest stock rom from samsung.
I flashed philz touch that time to..

But when i then installed cm, something went wrong, got some error on cm.

Uid's something. Forgot. I could not boot in recovery, so i used odin, flashed philz touch.
Factory reset and my Phone was fine!

Cm and recovery.

Now it seems i cant get into recovery again...

Anyone know whats the issue?
Locked bootloader? Have not read up on that yet...

Its wierd if recovery just fails or whats the issue.
Pardon the blurry explenation and my bad english/spelling. Im tired.
Thanks in advance.

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