mardi 30 décembre 2014

How can i install stock keyboard of 4.4.2 to 5.0 ? topic


Hello to all,
First of all ,question .
The stock firmware of Samsung in 4.4.2 is a TouchWiz if i am not mistaken ?

If yes, let's go forward.
I have tried CyanogenMOD ,and some other ROMs,but i didn't like anything like the stock one. I just need the stock one without the bloat apps that has the company.
So i have find out with help the Google Play 5.0 ROM ,i really liked it,even though it's a bit different rather than the 4.4.2 but the 2 problems that i am having and if i can solve them i will keep the ROM is.

1. I want the keyboard of 4.4.2 into 5.0 . Why ? The reason is ,because first of all above the keyboard i had the numbers already installed, and the second reason is when you type in Greek "Good Morning" = Καλημέρα you need a tone in the letter έ WHICH it cannot be provided via 5.0 keyboard.
2.You don't have any program inside,which on 1 hand is good but on the other hand is a little bit tricky to find the "gapps" that you need like Maps.
3.The icons are PRETTY BIG on the start screen.

So any help ?

Thank you all.

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