vendredi 12 décembre 2014

How to (try to) force an update AT LEAST to 4.4W.2? topic


Bought yesterday an LG G Watch (on sale at € 108 shipped, on the Italian Play Store, can't really say no at that price).

I had previously had this same smartwatch for a week but returned it because Android Wear was still too "immature"... At the time it was at the 4.4W.1 release. Lots of improvements and bug fixes came with the 4.4W.2 and still lots more are coming with the "Lollipop" release just going out now and which solves more "practical" issues I had with how Android Wear worked (e.g. you can now finally turn off the tilt motion to wake it up).

The problem I am now having is that the G Watch was updated to the 4.4W.1 version as soon as I paired it to my Note 3 and after a day and no matter what I tried, I am still on 4.4W.1!

Now, I can wait a week or 2 for the 5.0.1 version but I would like to get at least to the 4.4W.2 version in the meantime, since the 4.4W.1 has the problems (the bugs and the lack of features) which made me return the G Watch the first time...

After trying to restore the G watch and pair it again with the smartphone (a tedious process since you have to re-set everything up...) I am still unable to update and I now also have problems with Google Keep on the watch (it says unable to connect) and with another app (an internet browser). Never mind for the browser, but Keep is one of the killer applications for a smartwatch, for me.

BTW, the Android Wear companion app is the 1.0.5 version (got updated yesterday few hours after downloading it and setting up the watch the first time, and before trying to reset everything up).

So, any ideas about what to try..?


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