Hey guys just a heads up and quick howto:
Here is how to get adb wireless working so you dont need to use a cable any longer to easily push/pull files and logcats/debugging
(its beyond me why google doesnt have a ui option to turn this on)
Open up a terminal emulator (I use rom toolbox pro) with droidmote and do this:
From pc do this:
To automate this on boot, add this as a script to rom toolbox/pro to execute on boot
Here is how to get adb wireless working so you dont need to use a cable any longer to easily push/pull files and logcats/debugging
(its beyond me why google doesnt have a ui option to turn this on)
Open up a terminal emulator (I use rom toolbox pro) with droidmote and do this:
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
adb tcpip 5555
adb connect
adb shell
adb push blah etc
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