vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Kernel for GT-I9525 whit 5.0.2? topic


Hi, I recently installed the spegelius rom (precisely the cm-12-20141223_035155-UNOFFICIAL-jactivelte-nightly). I'm really surprised, in fact, I noticed an amazing fluidity and a very attractive graphics, but I also noticed an elevated battery drain than the official Touchwiz 4.4.2 rom :crying:, although the device does not consume practically battery on standby. I then set, with No-frills CPU, the max frequence at 810 MHz (practically nothing) and with the powersave governor, but the energy consume is the same as when I set it at 1,89 GHz and the performance governor. I tried to install the Antutu battey Saver Pro (at level 4), but nothing is changed (I've got the root, so the powersave should work). What can I do? Can I resolve this problem installing a new kernel? (I've got the stock kernel :D). Are the 4.4.x kernels compatible with Android 5.0.2? Please help me, because I really would not go back to Android 4.x. (I talked about the spegelius rom but the question is valid for all the other lollipop roms, if there is someone else for this device). Thank you for your attention. Happy Holidays :victory:

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