jeudi 18 décembre 2014

knock on fix topic


as many of you know i dont believe the knock on not working is a hardware failure.

i am pretty sure i figured out or am really close to figuring out what the problem is

i was doing many tests to try and figure out what the cause could be.

i put phone in airplane mode and location settings to off
i put almost all settings to disabled like wifi scanning in background
power saving features for wifi to disabled
all gestures to disabled besides knock on

almost anything that could be disable that could affect the knock on i disabled and guess what
knock on is repeatably working right now on this phone where it shouldnt be
i have did 2 tests runs of over 20mins each and knock on works perfect each time
this time starts from where i do a knock off

before i couldnt get knock on to work after 3mins
it would jump around under that where it would sometimes work and sometimes not but after 3mins from a knock off i couldnt get it to work ever

so i like i said i think its power saving issue
that would be kernel wouldnt it?

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