jeudi 18 décembre 2014

LG G3 random reboots 11cand then Back to 10b topic


ok I bought two brand new LG G3's on Verizon both rooted and stock roms.

Wife's run perfect...

Mine has random reboots. I first tried doing a full wipe reset and still did the same thing.

Then I unfroze everything and let it update to 11c to see if an update would help. Nope only got worse almost was unusable because it restarted alot.

So then I flashed it back to 10b and re-rooted and set it back up. All was good for a few days and then back to random reboots.

I hate to do it but I think I may have to call verizon and get it replaced.

Before I do this... Is there anything else I am missing to try??? :confused:

I know they are just gonna give me a refurbished phone. I thought about just buying another new one...

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