vendredi 19 décembre 2014

MX Player lag when playing video on CM11 (GT-S5360) topic


The tittle says it all. I flashed my sgy with CyanogenMod 11 (kitkat 4.4.4) yesterday. Then, I install MX Player and its codec (Armv6 VFP-for sgy). MX Player is my default media player when I use stock rom and I love it for its performance and functions to play unsupported video file format that internal player cant play. I noticed that CM 11 have problem with something about OMX Codecs (if im right, cant remember, found about it when googling the problem yesterday, but no solution). I tried to play some music videos (mp4 format) with internal player. Yeah, same as stock problem. Can play MPEG-4 but Xvid cant. But this time I cant play x264 mp4 format that previous stock does. Its terribly lag so much. The audio ok. But dont worry though coz I can use MX Player to play that file. Then, i get the same problem, lags. I tried everything, reflash with stock and flash it back with CM 11 rom, use default and custom codec. Still didnt solve the problem. I even tried uninstall the app and reinstall it without the codec. Suprisingly, I can use the app without codec. MX Player didnt ask to install its codec like before when no codecs found. It looks like MX Player use internal decoder as its codec. What the... I even reinstall its codec but it seems like MX Player ignores it. So frustated. Then, im trying to google for any other app that can play various type of video. I found QQPlayer. I wanna give it a try. After install it, still cant play the video. Same problem. But when I look in setting, I found something that the player able to switch between internal decoder and its own decoder. Then, trying to play the video... bla, bla, bla.... and it works. But with a little lag. Not terrible as before. The video and sound is out of sync. Yeah, the same problem when I use QQ Player with stock before using the MX Player. Okay, the real question is, is there any 'switch' for MX Player to choose between its decoder or internal decoder as its codec. I believe that everyone have across the same problem when using CM 11 on sgy. This just QQ Player without any additional codec can play the video with little lag. If MX Player? The problem will solve without any lag and smooth. (maybe, when use its own codec)

P.S. sorry if my english are bad. If any of you didnt understand the question, i can give a bit more detail. Im malaysian and still 15 years old :D

CM 11 link: ht-tp:-//down-load-.-android-armv6-.-org/_builds-/-totoro/ (remove any dash - ) (dash only!) *still new member, cant post real outside links. sorry if I break the rules*

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