vendredi 12 décembre 2014

poor quality hardware? topic


Well im now on my 5th lg g2. Ive had every problem you can possibly have with this phone.
With that aside, im on my 3rd audio/charging flex port with thus last g2 and, again, im experiencing issues. Every g2 i have owned has had a ****y audio jack. It either thinks its been disconnected and pauses the music, or voice calling pops up CONTINOUSLY.

I have the voice calling pop up issue now, with multiple sets of ear phones. Ive cleaned the jack, cleabed the headphones, tried new roms. Nothing fixes it.
Ive also tried the "wizdroid" app and a few others to try to disable the headset controls.

Is there a guide or can someone give a small walkthrough on how to disable it? Is there some type of intent action i can disable or edit to stop this? Im about to disable the voice calling app to see if it helps.

I know im ranting, im sorry, maybe i should stop buying replacement parts for this phone and invest in the g3.

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