samedi 6 décembre 2014

[Prerooted flashable zip][23.0.1.A.4.44][(CustomizedTW) for Z2 tablet SGP511] topic



Here is flasable zip file wich install latest ROM 23.0.1.A.4.44 which this time is customized TW, latest stable SuperSu v2.37 and latest beta Dualrecovery .154 for Tablet Z2 with read/write acces to system.
This is still KitKat update not Lollipop.
This is tested and works just fine though make nandroid backup before flashing.
Install it by flashing whole zip file with custom recovery. Wipes aren´t necessary but good practise.
Here is the link:!JMJTGRSQ!3iFfop...JQ0qhketuRZKmc


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