jeudi 25 décembre 2014

[Q] Att Note 4 issues with tmobile network topic


So I bought an Att note 4 unlocked I bought it knowing I might have internet issues but it was cheap, and I'm having issues with the Internet it works fine its fast(not as fast as it should be) just very bad signal and constantly looses connection and searches for network I checked the apn it's on tmobiles network all looks fine, I'm guessing it might be the band issues but I'm using METROPCS which uses Tmobiles network I had a G3 and G2 pervious to getting the note 4 both where from tmobile and never had a single issue with those I would always get full signal never dropped a call not only that I would get download speeds and upload of over 30mbps now it's taken a dump. Any suggestions? I despise att because I use my network a lot away from home I was averaging 150gb a month on my G3 now it seems that it will be hard to do that with this phone pretty bumped use Netflix a lot watch movies online download games etc. :crying:

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