vendredi 12 décembre 2014

[Q] Cache clearing & formating on a rooted/unrooted FireTV ?'s topic


Will start on the rooted side of things since the rooted options should cover & apply to unrooted devices. It should function the same way. Since unrooted devices only give you the few options available on the stock recovery.

My goal is to have all my FTV's rooted & on the latest PreRooted FW, latest CWM, Patially unlock bootloader & latest bootmenu. From there I would like to start as back to stock as possible. By that I mean I would like to do as clean a Factory Reset as possible while fully keeping Root, latest PreRooted FW, latest CWM, partially unlocked bootloader & latest bootmenu. To be able to achieve this I will need to understand what all the options that CWM gives me do & does not do specifically on Rooted FireTV's...

I hope can make a full guide, maybe as an addon to: Factory Reset on Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick Explained . And I hope @rbox can help.. Since one of his posts is what got me wondering about all the options...


Originally Posted by rbox
(Post 56499650)

Factory reset will not FORMAT /data, but just delete everything but /data/media, which is /sdcard. There is a separate option for wiping /data & /data/media. If you wipe /system you must be extra careful you NEVER attempt to reboot before reflashing something onto it.

These are the CWM cache clearing & formatting options I am aware of.. We need a write-up of what doing each one will mean for the FTV's... And which one's are a must & which ones should be avoided when trying to start from Rooted scratch.
  1. - wipe data/factory reset - Should be safe to do but won't wipe everything.

  2. - wipe cache partition - Should be safe to do too but would like more info about it.

  3. - wipe dalvik cache - Should be safe too but wold like more info too.

  4. - format /boot - No idea but I think messing with this will be very dangerous since I don't know how it will react with the bootmenu & partially unlocked bootloader ??

  5. - format /cache - Not sure how much of a difference formatting the cache is from just wiping the cache.

  6. - format /system - Should never be done without having a PreRooted FW to reflash after the format. This can brick/UnRoot a device if you restart or loose power or if you don't reflash a PreRooted FW. It is probably preferable to have the FW on a mounted USB stick since doing some of the other wipes or formats will probably get rid of your FW zip in the SDCard side of things.

  7. - format /data - Need more info on this...

  8. - format /data and /data/media - Need more info on this too..

Please correct as much as possible... I will update it as things become clearer... The goal is not to go back to Stock/Stock but Rooted/Stock. So would need to know if anything will hurt Root.. Will any of this options get rid of the SU binary or as long as a PreRooted FW is reflashed it gets put back on their ???

The stock recovery seems to only give the option to...
  1. - wipe data/factory reset - Should be save to do but won't wipe everything.

  2. - wipe cache partition - Should be safe to do too but would like more info about it.

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