vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] Can not reset and error "Unrecoverable bootloader error (0x00000000)." topic


Hello everyone,

I have a TF201 whose characteristics are:

- Android cardhu-user bootloader <1.00 e> released by "US_epad-" A03

- CyanogenMod Android 4.2.2

- cyanogenmod version 10.1-20140217 - NIGHTLY - tf201

1 - But when I want to reset the tablet by restoring to factory settings , it restarts but nothing happens and after starting it in the same condition as before.

2 - When I want to go into recovery to install another rom, I have :

"Unrecoverable bootloader error (0x00000000)."

so I can not access the recovery or to wipe data

so I can not restore my tablet to factory settings or install a new rom as kitkat .

However, I have access to fastboot but I tried things and I have :"failed invalid argument"

- I kept the files that I made at the time of root :


is it that I can do something with fastboot or a version nvflash or other software ?

Is it possible to install a rom android directly without going through the recovery ?

thank you for your help.

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