mardi 30 décembre 2014

[Q] Can we get separate subforums for different models? topic


I have a 7" Kindle Fire HD, now say I want to find a rom, root method or anything else for it, this would be easy if there weren't multiple iterations of the 7" Kindle Fire HD. More specifically I have what's known as the KFSOWI... you might see another name, "Soho"... or you might call it the 2013 model... or maybe you call it the 2nd gen model. That's 4 names I need to look for in a thread just to find if it's even relevant to my device, if I see something like "Tate", "SD card slot", or "Camera" I know I can get out of there as that thread is for a different device that has no compatibility when it comes to these roms.

So, my question is: Can we split the Kindle Fire HD 7" subforums into more specific subforums that indicate which device you're actually posting about?

I can look at other stuff around here and find info specifically for my Verizon Galaxy S4, there's a subforum for each carrier for that phone, and it's not lumped together with another model. Amazon may be a bit to blame here with the Apple-like naming, but at the same time it's not that hard to make a different subforum for a new device. Imagine if you were to go looking for anything about modding iPods and you found a website where there were only a few categories involving products with different names "iPod Classic (all generations)", "iPod Touch (all generations)" and no standard tagging system to identify which model a post is talking about, you just had to keep reading until you found something that identified which device it was talking about.

My point is that it's frustrating for no good reason, we have multiple devices that share the same name and same subforum but are not the same devices.

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