jeudi 18 décembre 2014

[Q] Fingerprint Sensor Error topic


I got a N910G for only a week now. My wife bought me when she aboard to Singapore. In a week everything is smooth i love a lot this phone. Suddenly i cant open my phone using fingerprint. When i reach the homescreen through backup password i directly reach fingerprint manager and an error come up, 'An error has occured with the fingerprint sensor. If this message appears repeatedly, restart your device. I try restart so many time, i try pull up the battery and still nothing happen. I give up and suddenly few hours later it working again. The finger print run normal again, but its only a day. The next day the finger print died till now. I already try reflash using odin stil not work. Im really desperate because i cant swap it because im not living in singapore. I search the web this problem happen since Galaxy S5. I never drop my phone yet. I just wonder why samsung with this high price tag have a poor quality:crying: i think i have to accept it or anybody have anything that i can try..

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