mardi 30 décembre 2014

[Q] help! i9500 soft brick? topic


my S4 i9500 won't boot.
i have tried loading several versions of stock roms, recoveries and non-stock roms.
all stock roms fail in odin, and i get "unsupported dev_type" error on the device.
other non-stock roms install with no error, but the device won't boot after reboot.
finally, out of frustration and recklessness, i guess i used an S4 boot loader fix wihch loaded successfully from odin.
unfoutunatly, after rebooting the device, boot message sais GT-I9505 instead of GT-I9500. turns out it was a 9505 boot loader fix.
is there anything i can do to bring my device back to life??
currently, device won't boot to recovery (blue "recovery booting" on top left corner of screen), won't boot to system, but can enter download mode, and be identified by odin.
update: i also tried flashing stock rom with pit file. in this case i get "secure check fail : pit" error message on the device

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