samedi 13 décembre 2014

[q] help me, google play problems (lucky patcher)!??!! topic


Rooting isnt the issue, i had it a month before this problem.

I was playing around with lucky patcher, when i saw mod the play store. which i did out of curiosity. Nothing happened... okay.. then i saw patch to android in the toolbox, pressed that and boom my phone rebooted. Again i was like okay... Seeing if it did anything i instantly went to the play store, and boom no connection. Turns out now after that I cannot connect to ANY google app. No matter what account or connection. Already tried resetting my phone! Now Im stuck with a phone with no apps and no way to get my contacts. Does anyone know a fix please? Im dying.

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Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	Screenshot_2014-12-14-00-11-52.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	165.0 KB<br/>ID:	3063236

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