dimanche 21 décembre 2014

[Q] HTC DESIRE 310 installing apps to sd card topic


Sorry for making a topic so similar to other posts but I couldn't manage to find a serious answer about this problem.
First off,I rooted it with root genius.Then I divided my 16 gb sd card into 2 partitions of about 7,5 gb each.The problem is that android 4.2.2 doesn't support any method of moving apps to sd with the given by android option where many other android phones have.I wrote to htc support asking about this but they blamed google and a solution wasn't found.I am looking for a way to install an *.apk file from my sd card directly to my sd card because my internal storage is under 1,5 gb which for instance restricts me from installing hearthstone which is an around 1,7 gb game.Every suggestion helps.:)

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