dimanche 7 décembre 2014

[Q] I've completely wiped everything on my Samsung Galaxy tab 2 topic


Hello!I rooted my device(Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3100) and tried to install custom Rom,but got stucked in the boot.Cople weeks before that my USB cable stopped connecting to any PC.I've downloaded Paranoid for my exact device ( .zip) and tried to install it in the recovery mode,but before that I wiped everything on the tablet,so basicly now it doesnt even boot,direclty to the recovery mod.I tried to install the OS via SD card,but soon after the installation has started it says Error 7.Then I formatted the SD card and tried the default OS - jelly beam 4.4.2 and with it I dont have Error 7,but it stopes due to unknown error(it doesnt says what's wrong it says installation aborted).Oh,and I had a recovery,but i deleted it ;( .Please help! :)

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