samedi 20 décembre 2014

[Q] Is Google's app and data backup+restoration better these days? topic


I have a Nexus 5, a Nexus 9, and a Nexus 10. My 5 and 10 have Cyanogenmod 11, and My Nexus 9 is rooted on stock firmware but I will be putting Cyanogenmod on it once a Lollipop release comes out for it.

In the past when I've tried using Google's backup and restoration feature, it basically tried to restore every app that I'd ever installed on an Android device, and I want to avoid that now. There still doesn't appear to be a way to manually delete old backup data from Google, so I wondered if I enable automatic backups for my N9 now and restore the backups when I switch it to Cyanogenmod, will it actually restore only the stuff I'd been syncing from my Nexus 9 (and most importantly NOT STUFF THAT I'VE ALREADY UNINSTALLED FROM THE N9), or will it try to restore crap from my Nexus 10 and my old Moto Xoom and whatever other devices I've backed up in the past?

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