vendredi 12 décembre 2014

[Q] The microphone and the speaker mute on phonecalls topic


First of all, my phone has root access and its unlocked using the bootloader method(I boughted like this a week ago).
The first 4 days the phone worked perfectly, but now im having this trouble:
When i make phone calls or i recieve phone calls, the microphone and the speaker mutes.
For example, if i call Jhon he receives my phonecall, but he can not hear me and i can not hear him. Also i can not hear the first tones if im making the phone call and waiting the other person to answer.
If i make a hard reset, everything starts working fine again. But after a few hours this malfunction comes back.
I changed my sim card, but nothing changed.
I think this might be a ROM's bug.
What do you think?

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