vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] No Lollipop OTA topic


Hi all
By now, I would assume that Google has finished the rollout of the lollipop OTA for the Nexus 4 (mako)
but I have a problem

Short Story
I still don't have lollipop OTA because Google thinks I'm rooted

Long Story
My brand new Nexus 4 (arrived 3 days ago) came with 4.2.2
I opened the box and immediately unlocked the bootloader (fastboot oem unlock) and then installed twrp (fastboot flash recovery openrecovery............img)
After that, I went into twrp to check if it was flashed correctly, and it worked fine BUT as I was about to reboot, twrp asked if i wanted to install SuperSU and I accidentally pressed "yes".
after the phone booted, I found it wasn't acually rooted but it installed an app called "SuperSU Installer"
I ignored it, and went through 4 ota updates (from 4.2.2 to 4.4.2) and the otas stopped (there was not updates available after 4.4.2)
After the updates, I found that the ota have removed twrp and was overwritten by stock recovery SO I went back to bootloader and flashed twrp again (which worked just fine).
Then I done some seaching on Google and found that I'm not getting lollipop becasue I have some traces of rooting (the "SuperSu Installer" that somehow managed to survive 4 OTA's)
I went no to flash the full root (the actual SuperSu) and then do a "Full Unroot" from there (worked fine) and the phone is now unrooted.
BUT still not Lollipop OTA
I gave up and tried to do the update manually (Downloaded flashalbe ZIP from Android Police) but TWRP refuses to flash it :(

The question is, what to do now?

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