mardi 30 décembre 2014

[Q] Please Help Me Help Myself topic


I finally decided to root my daughters KFHD. I said, "Dont worry once Im done and install a custom ROM itll be 10x better than before." She reluctantly said okay only because shes seen me do the same thing to every phone and tablet Ive ever had. I knew from looking around and doing research here on XDA that there was a good chance something could go wrong and I could end up bricking her kindle. Ill cut to the chase.....Something went wrong with the install of the 2nd bootloader/recovery. I ended up with the lovely RSOD. So I proceded to make a fastboot/factory cable. Now Ive gotten rid of the RSOD but the kindle is stuck in bootloop and eventually itll go into the stock recovery saying blah blah blah kindle wont boot. Ive tried the factory reset option to no avail. One thing I find odd is this is the 2nd type of bootloop Ive seen, the 1st one would show the kindle logo for only a few seconds then it would do like the CRT animation does and bootloop from there, now tho, it actually shows the entire bootanimation, I know this because I can see the gradient color change that goes across the kindle fire logo. At this point Ive flashed everything from hashcodes thread, the 7.2.3 bootloader with the freedom 7.4.6 img and the twrp recovery several times. Ive flashed 2.7 and 2.3 recoveries along with a 7.2.3 boot img and 7.2.3 system img together with no luck. So heres where I need someone from within this wonderful open source community to help meh. Gimme a quick rundown of the kindle boot process with the 2nd bootloader including what boots when and where it boots from. Also when using fastboot whats the correct order to flash what? Should I only be trying to flash a recovery now? I shouldnt need to reflash the bootloader right? what about the boot and system img's do I flash those? This is where I need the help. Thanx in advance for taking the time to read my short novel and for helping me. Oh ya Im on linux so i havent been able to use any of the tools that are available for Winblows.

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