vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] Please help me rooting a branded G900F topic


Howdy y´all ,
I´ve been trying to figure out for the entire day how to root my G900F with stock FXXU1ANI3 firmware ( Vodafone Germany branded) . Unfortunately the build date is Sep 12 2014, so I can´t just flash the latest german unbranded version with KIES. Everyone is telling me that I should root first and backup EFS partition before using Odin, so I don´t just wanna flash CWM, trigger Knox and flash a rom . And I can´t just follow the towelroot guides because the stock kernel is nowhere on the Internet.
Can someone give me some advice what I can do to gain root access? I just need to change SELinux to permissive and install Appradio Unchained to pair with my head unit.....

Thanks in advance :)

(holy cow, rooting has become so complicated....I was 14 when i got my first Galaxy in 2010, hence my stupid username here and rooting was so easy back then....)

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