vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] Questions about going back to stock. topic


Hey guys,

I was running Cyanogenmod 11 for a while which I installed using the automatic tool online. During the summer I flashed Dirty Unicorns but I have issues with the camera and random rebooting. I just got a Galaxy Gear for Christmas and I've read that its only compatible with touchwiz roms.

I'm trying to go back to stock and I am ok with losing my root access.

I have an SGH-1747m on Baseband I747MVLUEMK5 and my service provider is Bell. The android version is 4.4.4 currently. Whats the easiest method to do this? I've read some concerning information that going back to an earlier version of android will soft brick your phone, but I believe the most current Bell firmware is still in Jelly Bean.

Is it as easy as downloading the correct firmware and flashing it using Clockworkmod Recovery?


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