jeudi 11 décembre 2014

[Q] Recovery Possible for Alcatel OT 990 stuck at start-up ? topic


Hello Forum,
Since last week I've been searching how to recover Alcatel OT900 (AV 2.3.4) which is now stuck (i assume semi brick) phone after hard reset.
Below is the status of the phone
* have no recovery but recently rooted (cannot go to recovery mode)
* when going setup (after boot)
Phone not working error the setup wizard(process com.jrdcom.jrdsetupwizard) has stopped unexpectedly. please retry
* OTU upgrade fail (network connection error)
* by pressing vol - & power & home keys computer (Win7) detects
ALCATEL HS-USB QsBLoader 9002 (comm port)
* When powering on as normal Computer tries to install driver but soon shows disconnected
* On Fastboot - vibrates only
Tried several tools but no resultsIs there any proper solution for this ? I mean through Windows ? Your step wise guide is highly appreciated.

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