vendredi 19 décembre 2014

[Q] System process - high cpu load topic


Hello everyone!

I don't know if this is posted in the right thread, but here we go!

I recently rooted my M8 and installed Cyanogenmod 12 (cm-12-20141216-UNOFFICIAL-m8). It runs smooth and I'm pleased overall. I have found some bugs here and there but that's to be expected at this stage. But the one thing that's bugging me is that the battery is getting drained by system process.
It says... Process: System - CPU load 50%
In settings - battery it says "Miscellaneous" at 60%

any ideas? I read some other people that runs the same build and they have 5-6 hours OST.
Ive tried with factory reset and reinstalled cyanogenmod but no luck.

I would appreciate some pointers.. thanks!

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