samedi 13 décembre 2014

[Q] Tablet around 250$ topic


Hi guys!

Since Christmas is comming, I would like to change my old ASUS TF300T, because it's big and very bulky, so... I'm looking for a 7" tablet with 3G connection (those two are a must).

In this price range, I was looking at the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (7 inch model), and I would like to hear a few pros and cons, but esprecially to know those things:

- How does the screen perform ?
- What should I expect from the 1.2Ghz Quad core Exynos? How does it handle 2014 games (RR3, Dead Trigger 2, etc)? Can it be overclocked and how much? (VERY IMPORTANT !!!)
- How is the battery life ? (VERY IMPORTANT !!!)
- How is the 3G/Wi-Fi signal ?
- How does the speakers perform ?

Thank you to everyone who helps! :)

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