samedi 27 décembre 2014

[Q] Upside Down Camera & No Screen Rotation topic



Could you guys please help me out for Upside Down Camera & No Screen Rotation in my Grand 2.

After googling for a few hours, I found out the possible solution that I need to calibrate gyroscope but there is no sensitivity settings in motion menu and nowhere else.

Please help me to fix my newly bought Grand 2.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	IMG_၂၀၁၄၁၂၂၈_၀၅၀၃၁၈[1].jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	247.1 KB<br/>ID:	3084845

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	IMG_၂၀၁၄၁၂၂၈_၀၅၀၄၃၉[1].jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	215.4 KB<br/>ID:	3084846

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