vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo help topic


I know nothing about any of this so bare with me guys/gals please. Just need help once and ill remove my account. If any of you feel like im wasting your time then please tell me and ill remove my post. Thankyou and i hope someone will give me an idea of whats going on.
Friends ex girlfriend is remotely accessing his phone from her computer, she can lock him out and write text out of format on the lock screen. She has deleted everything on his phone 8 times in the past hour. The Verizon recovery app has been disabled, we went into the Verizon store and changed EVERYTHING, number, passwords, made sure if she ever called in wanting info she couldn't get it. There is no way she figured out any of the passwords, she doesn't have access to any of his accounts, gmails facebook etc... i thought for sure she was using the recovery app but that's impossible cause no account has been created to access to his phone. Idk guys like i said im not an expert one thing that has me most skeptical she can write whatever she wants, whatever color, on his phone on any spot on the screen. Its completely out of set text formations on the lock screen looks like doodles i guess. Just curious if you guys have have ever heard of anything like this happening before. Thanks and i apologize if this shouldn't be here just on a desperate attempt to figure this out. Verizon is completely stumped they have no idea how she does it, even the main tech guy at the store (idk his credentials) cant figure it out.

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