vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] Very strange microsd card formatting issue topic


I have searched a similar problem in this fórum for some hours, but could not find.
I have a 64GB sandisk microsd card in my Galaxy S5 (I9505). I started using this card when my phone had jelly bean 4.2.2. Everything was fine, I had filled more than 30GB of it with music.
Then, around 1 month ago, I decided to update my phone to kitkat 4.4.2. I did this, then rooted it again. After this, I read that kitkat does not accept apps to write in the sdcard, so I installed the kitkat external sd card patcher, which changes the permission files so that the card can be writable again.
But even doing so, I can not write (or copy or even delete) anything in this sdcard. I tried to format it in Windows, DOS, and also inside the phone, but I do not get. I can read all the files (play all the musics) in it , but no write operation.
Any suggestion on how to proceed to fix this? How could this happen?:(

Thanks for any hint...

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