mardi 30 décembre 2014

[Q] Virus? Can't factory reset or get into recovery topic


Tmobile Note 4, rooted but with the stock ROM on it. Functions perfectly until a couple of days ago I get this odd stutter, the entire phone just freezes for a couple of seconds and I can't do anything, it does this every couple of minutes. I suspect an xposed module but I'm not sure. After freezing and uninstalling apps and even uninstalling xposed it still does it so I back everything up and do a factory reset from the settings menu.

Doing a factory reset from settings it just sits there saying it's powering down, it stays there forever and I cannot go back or close it, I can't even force power down with the power button. Only alternative is to pull the battery. The phone powers on normally, and all info is still there, so I can't factory reset this way.

Powering back up with vol up/power/home I can see the little android guy but this just flashes on and off forever so I cannot get into recovery to do a hard reset.

My last option is to reflash the stock ROM via Odin, but I'm at work now and was hoping to have a functional phone today. I'm not sure what went wrong, it's odd that I can't reset yet the phone functions perfectly apart from the stutter. I wonder if it's some kind of virus.

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