Thanks bilgerryan for his ROM if it wasn't for him wouldn't have this rom to port
Bilgerryan Sprint thread
-Heavily Debloated
-No Knox Apps
-Fluidity - new Tweak Package written for ND8 by @bilgerryan special thanks to Darky for the zipalign script
-KT747 Kernel by @ktoonsez
-KTweaker App- thanks again ktoonsez
-Native 4 Way Reboot on Power Menu (Press Reboot and it gives you more options)
-S5 Launcher with Theme Support and PullUp Mod
-Custom Boot Animation Support (system/media/
-LG G3 Keyboard with # Row, Emoji Support, and Wicked and Natural themes- thanks dazednconfused
-Custom Transition Animations (can be sped up in Developer Options)
-Slow and Fast Motion Camcorder Recording- thanks @rompnit
-Volume Key option to choose between Zoom and Shutter in Camera
-The Box by @erikalin -easily find everything you need for Wicked X- Play Store Link
-Exit Option in Browser
-Animated Pulldown Mod- thanks the_original_teknikl
-Caller Announce- says caller's name, only with Google synced Favorite Contacts, check post #4 for how to disable
-Use Camera In Call
-1% Battery Mod- thanks tdunham
-PCB Blue Theme- thanks @scar45-(find his themes here) for the original images and thanks @the_original_teknikl for bringing it to the S3
***What's Themed?***
*Clock Package
*HangOuts & YouTube
*3D PCB AccuWeather Widget
-Xplosion Audio v3.0 by me (with a lot of help from Team AC!D) ***featuring Viper4Android- thanks Zhughang and 50% Volume Increase thanks flastnoles11
-Galaxy S5 Gallery
-No Creepy Smiling Guys in your apps- thanks @Chad The Pathfinder
-PRL Write Enabled in Hidden Menu(##DATA#)- thanks digiblur for the original MK3 mod- also bypasses MSL input
-External and Internal SD fixes-Thanks Chad The Pathfinder and CNexus
-SE for Android set to Permissive-thanks CNexus
-build.prop Tweaks (Including Viper4Android's tweaks, other tweaks)
-Wicked Sensations, Project X, Samsung, and Android L Notifications, Alarms, and Ringtones
-Custom UI Sounds
-Torch App
-Wicked Sensations Toggles- thanks @dazednconfused
-Custom Status Bar Icons
-Xposed Framework Installer- thanks rovo89
-Xposed Modules
*Wanam Xposed-thanks Wanam
*Burnt Toast
*Xposed Recent Tasks RAM
-MyMagazine (long press on the screen and select Homescreen Settings and Uncheck MyMagazines to remove)
-Removed Sprint Shutdown Animation- thanks @Chad The Pathfinder
-PCB Framework Background
-MiXplorer- tons of themes here- Link
- @rwilco12 Wallpaper Gallery
-S5 Wallpaper Chooser with rwilco12's wallpaper gallery built in
-A Bunch of S5 Launcher Themes included, for more go here
-Full Status Bar Brightness
-Pull down from the right (above battery icon) for quick tiles
-True 1x/3g/4g data
-Recent apps button added to statusbar pulldown window (next to settings and quick settings buttons)
-Native center clock
-Removed am/pm from clock
-Hidden power button, tap status bar clock to turn screen off, hold status bar clock to popup power menu. (Wanam cannot move position of clock because of this mod)
-Transparent Toggle Background
-Animated Double Bar Pulldown (to fix problems some were having)- animated bottom bar and pulldown background
-Removed IME switcher ongoing notification
-Enabled multiwindow support for the InCallUi popup
-Xposed proof feature.xml now called Wicked_Features.xml
-Call block enabled
-Custom screen saver enabled
-Enabled call log call button
-Enabled call duration in call logs
-Added rotation button in gallery
-Enabled infinite scrolling in launcher and app drawer
-Enabled Developer Options by default
-Hidden debug/dial/data menu in developer options (be careful with these, you can really screw your phone up if you don't know what you're doing)
-Enabled App Ops (under security settings, renamed to App Permissions)
-All lock screen effects unlocked and working
*Circle Effect
*Blind Effect
*Skipping Stone
-S5 Phone and Contacts
-Popup call and message notifications
-S5 InCall UI
-Better ripple effect
-All Widgets available on LockScreen (some TouchWiz widgets can only be placed on the TouchWiz launcher, AccuWeather for example)-make sure you enable Multiple Widgets in Settings/My Device/Lock Screen
-Disabled scrolling cache
-Disabled signature checking in user and system apps (allows installing older versions over newer ones, unsigned apps, mismatching signatures over each other)
-Added Bug Report to Developer Options and Power Menu
-S5 backup app- Back-up USER installed apps and data
-Super Download- simulates S5 Download Booster
GoogleDrive Wicked X v8.0
Android File Host Wicked X v.80
This rom flashes KT747 Kernel by @ktoonsez
1. Download ROM and copy to SD
3. Reboot into recovery
4. Wipe system, data, cache, and dalvik
5. Flash ROM
6. Reboot
7. Enjoy
When Screen mirroring toggle is tapped inside status bar it will FC settings but you can hold it and will take you to the settings to switch it on or just go through the settings
You Tell Me

Bilgerryan Sprint thread
-Heavily Debloated
-No Knox Apps
-Fluidity - new Tweak Package written for ND8 by @bilgerryan special thanks to Darky for the zipalign script
-KT747 Kernel by @ktoonsez
-KTweaker App- thanks again ktoonsez
-Native 4 Way Reboot on Power Menu (Press Reboot and it gives you more options)
-S5 Launcher with Theme Support and PullUp Mod
-Custom Boot Animation Support (system/media/
-LG G3 Keyboard with # Row, Emoji Support, and Wicked and Natural themes- thanks dazednconfused
-Custom Transition Animations (can be sped up in Developer Options)
-Slow and Fast Motion Camcorder Recording- thanks @rompnit
-Volume Key option to choose between Zoom and Shutter in Camera
-The Box by @erikalin -easily find everything you need for Wicked X- Play Store Link
-Exit Option in Browser
-Animated Pulldown Mod- thanks the_original_teknikl
-Caller Announce- says caller's name, only with Google synced Favorite Contacts, check post #4 for how to disable
-Use Camera In Call
-1% Battery Mod- thanks tdunham
-PCB Blue Theme- thanks @scar45-(find his themes here) for the original images and thanks @the_original_teknikl for bringing it to the S3
***What's Themed?***
*Clock Package
*HangOuts & YouTube
*3D PCB AccuWeather Widget
-Xplosion Audio v3.0 by me (with a lot of help from Team AC!D) ***featuring Viper4Android- thanks Zhughang and 50% Volume Increase thanks flastnoles11
-Galaxy S5 Gallery
-No Creepy Smiling Guys in your apps- thanks @Chad The Pathfinder
-PRL Write Enabled in Hidden Menu(##DATA#)- thanks digiblur for the original MK3 mod- also bypasses MSL input
-External and Internal SD fixes-Thanks Chad The Pathfinder and CNexus
-SE for Android set to Permissive-thanks CNexus
-build.prop Tweaks (Including Viper4Android's tweaks, other tweaks)
-Wicked Sensations, Project X, Samsung, and Android L Notifications, Alarms, and Ringtones
-Custom UI Sounds
-Torch App
-Wicked Sensations Toggles- thanks @dazednconfused
-Custom Status Bar Icons
-Xposed Framework Installer- thanks rovo89
-Xposed Modules
*Wanam Xposed-thanks Wanam
*Burnt Toast
*Xposed Recent Tasks RAM
-MyMagazine (long press on the screen and select Homescreen Settings and Uncheck MyMagazines to remove)
-Removed Sprint Shutdown Animation- thanks @Chad The Pathfinder
-PCB Framework Background
-MiXplorer- tons of themes here- Link
- @rwilco12 Wallpaper Gallery
-S5 Wallpaper Chooser with rwilco12's wallpaper gallery built in
-A Bunch of S5 Launcher Themes included, for more go here
-Full Status Bar Brightness
-Pull down from the right (above battery icon) for quick tiles
-True 1x/3g/4g data
-Recent apps button added to statusbar pulldown window (next to settings and quick settings buttons)
-Native center clock
-Removed am/pm from clock
-Hidden power button, tap status bar clock to turn screen off, hold status bar clock to popup power menu. (Wanam cannot move position of clock because of this mod)
-Transparent Toggle Background
-Animated Double Bar Pulldown (to fix problems some were having)- animated bottom bar and pulldown background
-Removed IME switcher ongoing notification
-Enabled multiwindow support for the InCallUi popup
-Xposed proof feature.xml now called Wicked_Features.xml
-Call block enabled
-Custom screen saver enabled
-Enabled call log call button
-Enabled call duration in call logs
-Added rotation button in gallery
-Enabled infinite scrolling in launcher and app drawer
-Enabled Developer Options by default
-Hidden debug/dial/data menu in developer options (be careful with these, you can really screw your phone up if you don't know what you're doing)
-Enabled App Ops (under security settings, renamed to App Permissions)
-All lock screen effects unlocked and working
*Circle Effect
*Blind Effect
*Skipping Stone
-S5 Phone and Contacts
-Popup call and message notifications
-S5 InCall UI
-Better ripple effect
-All Widgets available on LockScreen (some TouchWiz widgets can only be placed on the TouchWiz launcher, AccuWeather for example)-make sure you enable Multiple Widgets in Settings/My Device/Lock Screen
-Disabled scrolling cache
-Disabled signature checking in user and system apps (allows installing older versions over newer ones, unsigned apps, mismatching signatures over each other)
-Added Bug Report to Developer Options and Power Menu
-S5 backup app- Back-up USER installed apps and data
-Super Download- simulates S5 Download Booster
GoogleDrive Wicked X v8.0
Android File Host Wicked X v.80
This rom flashes KT747 Kernel by @ktoonsez
1. Download ROM and copy to SD
3. Reboot into recovery
4. Wipe system, data, cache, and dalvik
5. Flash ROM
6. Reboot
7. Enjoy
When Screen mirroring toggle is tapped inside status bar it will FC settings but you can hold it and will take you to the settings to switch it on or just go through the settings
You Tell Me
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