vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Sharp Files topic


For the sake of order I'm starting this thread.

USB Drivers:
Link goes to English webpage. As of this post, the drivers are v10.4. My thoughts are that with each driver update the link will display the newest driver.
Installation: Follow the instructions on the bottom of the page and it'll install. I did it myself!
Open Source Software:
From the translation Chrome provides, I cannot tell whether the files provided are for 305SH or 306SH from the link. I'm no DEV so I can't help with that. As for the Build Numbers, I don't know how they correlate to the current software on our phone or if they are for future updates.
If the links change or other pertinent links come about, I'll update OP.
If I find them and they are relevant: I'll update. If you find them and they are relevant: I'll update.

Essentially, I'll update OP on an as needed basis.

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