samedi 13 décembre 2014

[TASKER][ROOT]Restore Functionality of Back Button LED /Power Button LED on AOSP ROMS topic


Hello Everyone.

As you all know our G2 has a Back Button LED /Power Button LED. What I noticed is usually on AOSP based ROMS [CM, Omni, AOKP, PA.....] this LED does not work at all. I have been trying various LED controlling apps but none of them was detecting backlight LED (Including Light Flow). So I did a bit research on how to control LED behavior & now I proudly present you Few of my Profiles

What it Does?
1) Blink LED On The Wake-up.
2) Slow LED Blinking while on call. (2 Profile for this, both are necessary.)

1) TASKER App You can get it here At Playstore (Note: This is a Paid application and I am NOT advertising this application in case if you don't know what Tasker is)

2) ROOT (if You are on AOSP based ROM most probably you have Root too)

3) File Explorer / Computer to extract Content of ZIP

1) Install Tasker application.
2) Copy and Extract the Contents of Zip file in the attachment to /sdcard/Tasker/ ( Create tasker folder if its missing).
3) Now Open the tasker. Select Tasks and Tap on Tasks tab once again that should provide you a menu to Import And Sort. Click on Import and navigate to /sdcard/Tasker/tasks. Import all tasks one by one.
4)Select Profiles and Tap on Profiles tab once again that should provide you a menu to Import And Sort. Click on Import and navigate to /sdcard/Tasker/tasks. Import all Profiles one by one.
5) Enable all the profiles.

I will Upload a video tutorial if possible.


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	page.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	117.3 KB<br/>ID:	3062034

Attached Files

File Type: zip Tasker -
[Click for QR Code]
(5.0 KB)

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