samedi 27 décembre 2014

Xperia T - dead? No led blinking.. topic


I was formating sd card in recovery mode, and then I chose "reboot to system" option, for leaving recovery. The telephone turn off. And nothing more. The battery was about 80%.

The telephone don't react on anything. No power button (or holding power button+volumeUp). If I connect usb charger, it doesn't do anything. If I connect PC via USB, there is no new device in PC. No led blinking.

I tried charging for hole day and night, but nothing changed.

I opened the case (it is just on screw) and disconnect and reconnect the battery. But nothing changed.

So I disconnect the battery again and connect usb. The red LED now blinks every second. And when I'm holding the power button, it doesn't do anything. But it is still the same.. black screen, turned off, no computer connection..

Have you any idea, what can I do? What can I try? Thx

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