lundi 5 janvier 2015

Convert kernel zip to tar topic


Convert kernel zip to tar file

It is time to create this thread to help people out who don't simply know how to convert a recovery flashable kernel to a ODIN flashable kernel. I know this is on the i9000 forum already but why not make it more convenient for others too? Check post #4 to see pre-made tar kernels

What you need:
- A kernel in .zip format
- The kernel conversion files (Provided in the attachments)
- A PC (preferably Windows, don't know if this works on linux and OS X)
- A archiving/compression utility such as 7-zip or winrar
- ODIN (to flash the kernel of course)

1. Download the attached
2. Extract it to CreateTarForKernel, it is recommended to put all of these files in a new folder to avoid confusion
3. Download a kernel zip and extract it in the CreateTarForKernel folder
4. If you haven't unticked hide extensions for known file types, go to start, search for folder options then go on it, click on the view tab and uncheck hide extensions for known file types, click apply and close the window.
5. Rename the boot.img (or whatever is the name .img) to zImage (remove the .img). If there is a zImage in the kernel zip already, you don't have to do this step.
6. Launch tar.bat
7. You can change the tar name to whatever you want, I personally like to keep the file name the same as the name of the kernel zip but I add '-for ODIN' at the end.
8. And flash KERNEL.tar or {whatever}.tar with odin

If you like a kernel that has been included in a rom but doesn't have a seperate kernel zip file to flash, you can use this tool to do the same thing and flash the kernel that you like!

Thanks to exadeci for providing the actual conversion program to xda and thanks to TrollFactory for actually making the tool

Attached Files

File Type: zip -
[Click for QR Code]
(738.3 KB)

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