lundi 5 janvier 2015

Error when trying to flash a zip topic


First off, I have searched for this and did not find any appropriate thread. I have a OnePlus 64Gig phone that I have unlocked bootloader, rooted and am running Philz CWM recovery on. I have flashed many roms on this and many other phones and have never had this ongoing error. I can flash roms, gapps and SuperSU without issue in recovery. However, any other type file like a modem or kernel zip file shows the following error: E:footer is wrong, E:signature verification failed, E:Installation aborted.

I can Fastboot flash these files, but cannot get them to load in recovery. I have tried all combinations I can think of. A little more info, I have developer mode, unknown sources, etc. checked also.

Any help is appreciated.

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